<aside> 🚨 You'll need a Notion account to use this template. Use my link to create one - it’s free for you, but I get a small payment if you use this link 🙏🏾



<aside> 💡 Always use the same opening paragraph. I like to include a personal note and/or update just to humanize the update a bit.


Hi {{First name}},

Happy new year! I hope that you had a great and restful holiday. We’re excited to kick off 2023 and get back to building.

This is [Your name] from [your company] sending you our company update for [month], [year]. [One-liner].


<aside> 💡 List 3-5 KPIs that highlight the state of the business. Note that cash, burn, and runway are optional, and if you do include them, only send those to people who are actually invested. Don’t include them in the public update.

Optional - include a line chart of your #1 KPI (typically revenue but this might be users, signups, etc.). Make it easy for investors to see your progress.


CleanShot 2023-10-22 at 08.42.59@2x.png

Business update

<aside> 💡 Insert a summary of progress made this month in no more than 200 words. Include bullets/lists wherever possible, and keep things at least 80% positive (don’t share much bad news).

This can be a long-form version of what you put into your Highlights section. The #1 goal is to make it clear that you are continuing to figure things out.



This was a good month because we were able to [biggest accomplishment]. This is important for a few reasons:

Outside of [biggest accomplishment], we also [highlight, highlight, highlight]. We’re looking forward to [plans for next 30 days] this next momth.

Key learning from <insert month>: <insert a 1-2 sentence summary of the primary learning from the last 30 days>